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Vibrating His Cock And 2 Cumshots

by MayasHandjobsVR


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Vibrating His Cock And 2 Cumshots

180° 60 FPS
Studio: MayasHandjobsVR
Starring: Maya
Aug 2, 2017
Positions: leaning
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I'm using my pink vibrator on his bound cock and balls. Rock hard cock is very sensitive to vibrations , he is just crazy from the awesome feeling but it isn't enough for him to cum. I'm tormenting him with this feeeling and keeping him on the edge until he is begging me to allow him to cum. I allow him to ruined orgasm and I must say thay I was excited with the view of his cum shooting , it was so powerful, the pressure was just unbelievable. Anyway I continue stroking and jerking him again this time using my hands and he shoot his load again. Once again a very powerful orgasm with high pressure sperm shooting.

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